Comino News

A Milestone in Science Education

The Great Science Share for Schools (GSSfS) has been awarded the prestigious Patronage of the United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO (UKNC) in 2024.

This recognition underscores the event’s profound alignment with UNESCO’s (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) values, solidifying its status as a beacon of excellence in science education.

Patronage granted by the UK National Commission for UNESCO serves as a hallmark of quality, signifying an event’s contribution in advancing UNESCO’s mission in promoting education, scientific research, and cultural understanding.

We are really delighted that GSSfS has been acknowledged by the UKNC for its exceptional contributions to these crucial areas, affirming its pivotal role in shaping the next generation of scientists, innovators, and global citizens.

Thank you for everything you do to support me and SEERIH and Comino’s continued support has definitely made a real difference to this campaign’s success.

Link to the full press release here:

Prof Lynne Bianchi