
Comino Great News!

The Vision

The vision of the Comino Foundation is of a Britain in which people are equipped and motivated to live fulfilling and purposeful lives and therefore contribute to sustaining a prosperous and responsible society.

The Foundation looks for better ways of developing young people’s capabilities, their capacity and desire to make things happen – their zest and appetite to learn, to create, to change things for the better, for themselves and others. It encourages and supports innovative ventures designed to enable people to function effectively and to thrive. It embraces the quotation attributed to Socrates – ‘Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel’.

Current Priorities

Social opportunity – which to the Foundation means finding approaches/initiatives which help young people, whatever their background, to live fulfilling and productive lives in whatever ways have meaning and value for them

Personal capabilities – developing approaches which enhance young people’s personal capacity to cope with the demands of growing up and with adult life

Improving practical capability – especially that which relates to designing and making, to innovation and to manufacturing.