
Comino Administrator

Sarah Mareschall, SCB Secretarial Services

07368 496115 / 07904 467625
Correspondence Address: 137 Thetford Road, Brandon, Suffolk, IP27 0DB

Privacy Statement

The Comino Foundation is committed to protecting your privacy. We will only collect, process and store information about you that we have openly collected from you or with your consent i.e. your email address, the pages accessed, the date, the time and further information volunteered by you. We will analyse website data to improve regularly the value of the materials available online. We may also use the contact details you volunteer to keep you updated on the activities of the Comino Foundation. Your details will be used only by the Foundation for the purpose stated and will not be distributed, sold or rented to any third party unless required by law. Our website site does not use cookies (small files stored on your computer’s hard drive) to track the activity of visitors.

Access to user data

The Foundation processes personal data in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We obtain and use information, including personal data, as part of the process of assessing grant applications and monitoring the use of grants. The information, including personal data, which you provide on the grant application documentation will be assessed by the Trustees and monitored by consultants contracted to the Foundation. It will not be used for any additional purposes or disclosed to any third parties without your permission, except where this is otherwise required by law.